Yooji’s St.Gallen

Overall assessment accessibility Partially accessible

Self-declared content

This content was verified by the operator of the service.

Check the accessibility of this location

  • Outdoor area
      • Ground-level
      • Table is accessible
  • Guest room
      • Ground-level
      • Door
      • High table


Yooji’s St.Gallen
Bahnhofplatz 2
9001 St. Gallen


Further information

  • ginto

    The ginto platform provides accessibility information of localities to facilitate people's participation in social life. In doing so, ginto focuses on the diverse needs of its users and not on physical limitations.

  • OK:GO

    The OK:GO initiative pursues the vision of every tourism service provider in Switzerland making information about the accessibility of their offering available to the public using the ginto platform. The initiative is sponsored by the Accessible Switzerland Association and supported by Innotour and the EBGB.