Ristorante Charme Hotel Tre Terre
Overall assessment accessibility Partially accessible
Self-declared content
This content was verified by the operator of the service.Check the accessibility of this location
Visitor parking -
Parking space
Regular parking space
- Designation
- Orientation
- Width of parking space
- Length of parking space
- Slope
- Covered
- Payment required
- Limited time
Regular parking space
Ground condition
Ground condition
- Material
Ground condition
Toilets -
Accessible ladies’ room
- Gender
- Height of toilet bowl
- Free space in front of toilet bowl
- Longest free distance next to WC bowl
Men’s room
- Gender
- Height of toilet bowl
- Free space in front of toilet bowl
- Longest free distance next to WC bowl
Ladies’ room
- Gender
- Height of toilet bowl
- Free space in front of toilet bowl
- Longest free distance next to WC bowl
Accessible ladies’ room
- Clearance height under sink
Not accessible
- Clearance height under sink
Space conditions
Baby changing table
Available in ladies’ room
- Availability
- Gender
Available in ladies’ room
Outdoor area -
Space conditions
Table is accessible
- Clearance height under table
- Clearance depth under table
- Tabletop height
Table is accessible
- Clearance height under table
- Clearance depth under table
- Tabletop height
Table is accessible
Ground condition
Ground condition
- Material
- Driving characteristic
- Reflective surface
Ground condition
Hotel room -
Terrace / balcony
Ristorante Charme Hotel Tre Terre
Via Vecchia Stazione 2
6652 Terre di Pedemonte